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Selección de libros

Cultural Violence: How the New Order Legitimized Anti-Communism through. Literature and Film

Wijaya HERLAMBANG “When normality is built atop mass graves, and secured by terror and lies, a moral vacuum is inevitable. Wijaya Herlambang (...)

Dawuk: A Grim Love Story from a Javanese Village

Mahfud IKHWAN Winner of the Khatulistiwa Literary Award 2017 “This is a story that happened not so long ago. A grim tale full of blood. Just (...)

Ecophenomenology: On the Ontological Dimensions of the Disequilibrium between Human and Nature

Saras DEWI Environmental ethics and movements have accurately demonstrated the various damages and degradation of nature due to human (...)

Contacto : Ronny AGUSTINUS

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Responsable : Robby KURNIAWAN

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