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logoForum Editoria

Via Santa Chiara 30 bis
10122 Turin
Tél: +39 01 15 21 17 90

Forum Editoria was founded by Anita Molino, editor at Il Leone Verde, who after 25 years of working in publishing associations, decided to invest her experience in this new venture in 2022.
Forum Editoria aims to be an association open to all publishing houses, a space of mutual support to share skills, thoughts but also tools (contract templates, etc.) and where editors can benefit from training.
The objective is to fly high and together, like a flock of hummingbirds: so small, but so skillful and capable of unimaginable feats!

Contact : Anita MOLINO

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Kommode Verlag c/o Annette Beger
Dialogweg 7
8050 Zürich
Tél: +41 79 246 59 14

SWIPS is a collective of independent publishers in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, working together to improve the circulation of books in Switzerland and provide a diverse range of books for readers.
As independent publishing houses, we decide on our editorial policies and choices and are financially independent. We are committed to a living literature and to bibliodiversity.
Through our actions and our solidarity within SWIPS, we work for the recognition of the cultural and political role of publishers; we also act to give better visibility to our catalogues; we exchange and reflect collectively on the challenges facing independent publishers, to innovate, to strengthen our relations with independent bookshops, to uphold the rights of authors, and to improve the quality of our books.

Contact : Annette BEGER

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logoKurt Wolff Stiftung

Gerichtsweg 28
04103 Leipzig
Tél: +49 341 9 62 71 87

The Kurt Wolff Foundation (KWS) was founded in 2000 by independent publishers and the former German Minister of State for Culture. 130 independent publishing houses are associated with the Foundation.
Each year our board of trustees awards, with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Medi, two independent publishers at the Leipzig Book Fair with the Kurt Wolff Award and the Kurt Wolff Encouragement Award. At the Frankfurt Book Fair, we present each year, with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, a collective catalogue of German independent publishers with a selection of their programs. The Kurt Wolff Foundation represents the interests of independent publishing houses in order to support diversity in culture, literature and in publishing.

Contact : Daniel BESKOS

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Responsable : Sarah KASMAYR and Katarina E. MEYER

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Braterska 19/6
53-015 Wrocław
Tél: (+48) 71 339 71 68

FORMAT is an independent publishing house that focuses on education, illustration quality and creation. Books are understood as beautiful objects and as reading spaces, as they position the reader in the story, sharpening their eyes, awakening their curiosity and graphic sensitivity.
Their ambition: expressing emotions, circulating ideas of diversity and difference, tolerance, going against the grain to break with prejudices and stereotypes, working particularly on typography, paper and format.
FORMAT publishing’s books must appeal to both children and adults. The condition is that everyone finds a place in this illustrated book adventure. FORMAT publishing mixes genres and authors: well-known contemporary authors, sometimes even internationally renowned, and more classical, but always with a view of reinterpreting!
Their first title in French (Un prince à la pâtisserie by Joanna Concejo and Marek Bienczyk) was released in September 2015. Their list already includes some 50 titles in Polish, of which 40% are adapted from French books. FORMATs’ books have been awarded many times by IBBY International Board of Books for Young People, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and the Polish Association of publishers, to name but a few...

Read here the interview with Dorota Hartwich, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 25, 2017).

Books selection

Grand-Mère Tricot

Uri ORLEV ; Marta IGNERSKA (ill.) Une petite grand-mère seule au monde arrive un soir au village ; elle a pour tout bagage des aiguilles à (...)

Un prince à la pâtisserie

Marek BIENCZYK ; Joanna CONCEJO (ill.) « Un délice graphique et littéraire, avec une ambiance unique » a déclaré le jury IBBY qui a accordé au livre (...)

SEKRETNE ŻYCIE KRASNALI W WIELKICH KAPELUSZACH (A secret life of dwarfs in big hats)

Wojciech WIDLAK ; Paweł PAWLAK (ill.) If sometimes: you are fed up with everyday life you feel that you are missing something you wish you (...)

Contact : Dorota HARTWICH

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logoIl leone verde

Via della Consolata 7
10122 Turin
Tél: +39 01 15 21 17 90

Il leone verde was founded in Turin in 1997, with the aim of putting out unpublished works, never previously translated into Italian. We always publish top-quality introductions, end matter and commentary in our works, produced by specialists of these topics.
Translations are always produced based on the source language of the texts, and we have opted for scientific rigour in their approach, even though our works target a broad spectrum of the public, rather than specialists.

Books selection

I segreti della tavola di MONTALBANO.
Le ricette di Andrea Camilleri
[Secrets from Montalbano’s kitchen. Andrea Camilleri’s recipes]

Stefania CAMPO This book shows Andrea Camilleri’s gastronomic perspective, expressed through his most famous character – Montalbano, who is greedy (...)

Bambini e (troppe) medicine.
Difendersi dall’eccessiva medicalizzazione dei nostri figli
[Children and (too many) drugs. Defending ourselves from the excessive medicalisation of our children]

Franco DE LUCA This book helps new parents in acquiring certainty and confidence while attending to their growing kids. As children’s problems (...)

Un mondo di pappe.
I saperi delle mamme nell’alimentazione del bambino da 0 a 6 anni
[A world of baby food. Mothers’ knowledge about babies’ feeding from 0 to 6 months]

Sara HONNEGGER Among the questions and the problems that the birth of a baby arises, certainly there is the aspect of nutrition and choice of (...)

Contact : Anita MOLINO

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