Bibliodiversité review

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The Bibliodiversité review is available in print and digital formats. Digital versions of the review are available free of charge from the Alliance website one and a half years after their publication in print.

The notion of bibliodiversity, which rapidly gained currency and is rich in potential, remains little explored and debated, with limited thorough analysis, perhaps even inadequately used – at times reduced to a slogan. It was primordial not to let it weaken further. Furthermore, the two co-publishers – the International Alliance of independent publishers and Double ponctuation – wish to contribute to research, development of intellectual and operational tools, compilation of testimonies and experiences that can help understand the changes in the world of book and publishing. Finally, there aren’t many spaces for studying the process of change through international, intercultural and interdisciplinary lenses.

Bibliodiversité review

Inclusion and diversity in the book industry

To order this title digitally (in French), it’s here !
Sales price (digital copy – PDF version) : 5 Euros
ISBN : 978-2-490855-27-8

Publication : February 2022

The world of books and writing is not necessarily diverse. Like all places of power, whether real or symbolic, it does not escape the forms of exclusion and predation that can be observed elsewhere in society.
By deliberately favouring a plurality of approaches to the question of inclusion, this issue of the journal attempts to explore a multidimensional phenomenon. Thus, whether through feminism, indigenousness, the LGBTQ+ movement or by considering those excluded from the written word, the authors question the inclusive capacity of this sector.
Beyond the observations, they propose practical examples (collected in France, Quebec, Belgium, Spain, India...) to promote inclusion : the establishment of a gender editor within an editorial office, the creation of a native publishing house, the management of bookshops, publishing houses or feminist or gay journals, the reflection of librarians on the conditions of reception of minorities, etc.
Little by little, thanks to these many initiatives, often without wanting to polemicise or to whitewash issues, professionals are fighting discrimination daily and promoting the expression of real diversity.

“Bibliodiversité” is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all the other issues of the journal here (“The alternatives. Ecology, social economy : the future of the book ?”, “Minority languages”, "Public book policies”, “Self-publishing”, “Publishing and commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...)

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The alternatives. Ecology, social economy : the future of the book ?

To order this title digitally, it’s here !
Sales price (digital copy – PDF version) : 5 Euros
ISBN : 978-2-490855-11-7

Sales price (hardcopy) : 15 Euros
Format : 14,5 X 21 cm ; 236 pages
ISBN : 978-2-490855-10-0

Publication : February 2021

“Bibliodiversité” is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all the other issues of the journal here (“Minority languages”, "Public book policies”, “Self-publishing”, “Publishing and commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...)

At a time when environmental concerns are becoming more and more important and when traditional production patterns are increasingly being questioned, is there such a thing as an ecological, responsible and solidarity book ?
At a time when a significant proportion of printed books end up unread and when the physical flow of books generates significant greenhouse gas emissions, printers, publishers, booksellers and distributors are questioning their practices and the impact they have.
They are proposing alternatives to the dominant system to respond to these challenges – and thus define the future of the book ?

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“Minority languages” / Coordinated by Nathalie Carré and Raphaël Thierry

“Minority languages”, the new issue of the Bibliodiversity journal, coordinated by Nathalie Carré (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Inalco) and Raphaël Thierry (independent researcher)

Contact the Alliance team to get a free digital version of this issue.

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Bibliodiversity is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all the other issues of the journal here (“Public book policies”, “Self-publishing”, “Publishing and commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...)

More than half of the languages spoken in the world are in danger of disappearing ; if nothing is done, UNESCO estimates that 90% of languages will have disappeared in the course of this century. Languages are an essential part of a people’s culture, yet they are much more than just a tool for communication ; they offer a unique view of the world and of the people who live in it. What can the publishing sector do – and is already doing – to help preserve and sustain these minority languages ? This book attempts to answer this question through academic articles and testimonies of book professionals who, together, propose a novel approach to the subject.

In the light of their publications, the book analyses the situation of several minority languages - Haitian Creole, Corsican, Innu, Yiddish, Kikuyu, Basque, Malagasy, Náhuatl, etc. and shows that solutions are possible when the actors in the book system are mobilised.

Summary :

  • Publishing in minority languages – On diversity of publishing languages in a
    globalized context / by Nathalie Carré (Inalco, France) and Raphaël Thierry
    (independent researcher, France)
  • Creole publishing in Haiti – Obstacles, initiatives and development prospects /
    by Sandie Blaise, Duke University (United States)
  • The spread of Yiddish poetry in German speaking world – The case of bilingual editions / by Caroline Puaud, Paris Sorbonne University
  • Write and publish in Madagascar – How to reach the world ? / by Dominique Ranaivoson, University of Lorraine (France)
  • Make minority languages dialogue (online) – The example of intergenerational collaboration in East Africa / by Pierre Boizette, Paris-Nanterre University (France)
  • Normativity, diversity and dynamics of creation in the contemporary Basque literary field – Study of its operating trends through the literary trajectory of Eñaut Etxamendi / by Itziar Madina Elguezabal, Bordeaux-Montaigne Doctoral school (France)
  • Locate, catalog, make visible – The place of minority languages in collections of the University Library for Languages and Civilizations Studies (BULAC) / Interview with Marine Defosse, Soline Lau-Suchet and Nicolas Pitsos, librarians at BULAC (France)
  • As long as the language circulates, we will have books to produce” / interview with Bernard Biancarelli (Albiana Publishing, Corsica/France)
  • Publishing must grow the world” – Mémoire d’encrier and the languages of the world / interview with Rodney Saint-Éloi, Mémoire d’Encrier Publishing (Quebec / Canada)
  • Saving a language is a task for all of us” / by María Yolanda Argüello Mendoza, Magenta editions (Mexico)
  • Public book and reading policies for indigenous languages in Chile. Intervention (updated in 2020) in the Parliament of Books and Speech / by Paulo Slachevsky, Lom Ediciones (Chile)
  • Save, transmit – An example of transcription-translation from oral literature
    of some Vietnam’s peoples / by Mireille Gansel, translator, writer
  • PEN’s commitment to Linguistic Rights – The importance of writing, publishing and reading in marginalized languages / interview with Peter McDonald (University of Oxford) and Carles Torner (PEN International), July 2018, Oxford and London

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Public book policies (Bibliodiversity Journal)

Contact the Alliance team to get a free digital version of this issue dedicated to public book policies.

Publication : June 2019
The Bibliodiversity Journal is copublished by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of independent publishers.
See other issues of Bibliodiversity Journal here : “Self-publishing” ; “Committed publishing”…

Overview of the issue :
From censorship to safeguarding, public initiatives in the book sector are varied.
This issue proposes academic articles, professional’ views and two previously unpublished regional analyses (sub-Saharan Africa and Spanish-speaking Latin America), taking us from Russia to Switzerland, via Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Quebec, France and Argentina.
All contributions seek an answer to this question : does the intervention of public authorities support editorial diversity ?

Contents of the ‘Public book policies issue’ :

  • “Introduction : action taken by public authorities to support books”, by Étienne Galliand, Editor-in-Chief of Bibliodiversity Journal
  • “Federalism and cohesion – New book policies in Switzerland”, by Carine Corajoud, historian (Switzerland)
  • “A relative autonomy – A comparative analysis of the room for manoeuvre
    in public publishing in France”, by Hélène Seiler-Juilleret, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Higher School of Social Sciences, France)
  • “Negotiating control, promoting reading – Independent publishers and the Russian State in the 2010s”, by Bella Ostromooukhova, Paris Sorbonne University (France and Russia)
  • “Morocco : escheated books – The shortcomings in state involvement in the books and written word sector”, by Anouk Cohen, CNRS (France and Morocco) and Kenza Sefrioui, Ph.D. in comparative literature, literary critic and publisher (Morocco)
  • “Government policy on books in Tunisia” – A publisher’s view, by Nouri Abid, Med Ali publishers (Tunisia)
  • “Government policy on books in Syria” – A publisher’s view, by Samar Haddad, Atlas Publishing (Syria)
  • “Government policy on books in Lebanon” – A bookseller’s view, by Michel Choueiri, bookseller (France and the United Arab Emirates)
  • “Government policy on books in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. A cross-sectional analysis of data collected in 12 countries”, by Luc Pinhas, University of Paris 13 Villetaneuse (France)
  • “Publishing and public authorities : the Quebec case – Or the influence of public action on editorial independence ?”, by Pascal Genêt, Sherbrooke University (Quebec-Canada)
  • “Laws, public policies, institutions and measures to support books and reading
    in Latin America – An analysis of data gathered in 10 countries”, by Andrés E. Fernández Vergara (University of Chile)
  • “From culture towards business – An analysis of a state support programme
    for local publishing in Buenos Aires : Opción Libros”, by José de Souza Muniz Jr., Federal Centre for Technological Education, Minas Gerais (Brazil)

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Self-publishing (January 2019) / Coordinated by Sylvie Bosser

Abstract of the issue :
Self-publishing is less and less perceived as an egocentric, narcissistic act – perhaps even spiteful. Bypassing the selective function of a third party (the publisher) in favour of a direct relationship with the potential reader - whether by choice or by necessity, when one has been rejected by those “in the know”- seems on the contrary perfectly in tune with the signs of our times, which advocates for transversal relations, fewer intermediaries and direct relationships between producers and consumers, quicker channels, wariness towards experts, elites and comitology.
If self-publishing is uninhibited, it is vibrant in its digital format, where entry requirements are now minor. However, is self-publishing a vector of bibliodiversity ?
The notion of “independence” is also questioned by this development in terms of production. Indeed, the United States has often spoken of “indie” authors or ebooks, this figure of the independent author being now also assimilated and claimed in the French context. But what kind of independence are we talking about ?

Contents of “Self-publishing” :

  • Self-publishing : a vector of bibliodiversity ? / By Sylvie Bosser, University of Paris 8
  • Self-publishing in French literature. A historical overview of a multidimensional publishing practice / By Olivier Bessard-Banquy, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne
  • Self-published authors on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. Motivations, identities, practices and expectations / By Stéphanie Parmentier, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne
  • Self-publishing of comics. A specific route into publishing / By Kevin Le Bruchec, University of Paris 13
  • The (in)visible third party. Mentoring emerging writers : a process that encourages self-publishing / By Marie Caffari and Johanne Mohs, Berne University of the Arts
  • Self-publishing : a unique phenomenon by its nature, scope and actors. Analysis of self-publishing in Latin America and beyond / By Daniel Benchimol, for the CERLALC
  • Literary self-publishing in Morocco. Conditions, challenges and social significations of an growing cultural practice / By Kaoutar Harchi, Centre for Research on Social Links
  • Self-publishing in Iran. A story of a dilemma against a backdrop of audacity / Case study of Azadeh Parsapour, publisher
  • Les Éditions du Net. An interview with Henri Mojon / By Sylvie Bosser, University of Paris 8

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