
10, rue Tournefort
75005 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 36 78 47

The Portuguese Bookshop was founded in 1986, to coincide with the installation in Paris of Michel Chandeigne’s printing office. In 1992, he teamed up with Anne Lima to found the Chandeigne publishing house, which got off to a flying start with the publication of La frontière, by Pascal Quignard and the first work in the now prestigious “Magellane” collection: Histoires tragico-maritimes, three accounts of Portuguese shipwrecks in the 16th century. The firm has remained faithful to the artisanal vocation of its beginnings: while the office has been upgraded with state-of-the-art composition tools, all the publishing work in the broadest sense of the word is handled and controlled by Anne Lima and Michel Chandeigne, with a demanding vision of printing quality hailed by both the press and the general public. Five to eight works are thus published each year in the various collections (“Magellane”, “Lusitane”, “Péninsules”, and “Grands Formats”).

Chandeigne est le nom de Michel (Chandeigne), en toute humilité.

Books selection

Histoire de l’Afrique lusophone

Armelle ENDERS Cet ouvrage traite des cinq pays africains qui ont gardé le portugais comme langue officielle : Angola, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, (...)

Nouvelle histoire du Brésil

Armelle ENDERS Avec presque 200 millions d’habitants et une économie qui oscille autour du 10e rang mondial, le Brésil appartient aux grandes (...)

Voyages en Afrique noire

Alvise CA’ DA MOSTO (1455 et 1456) - Préface, traduction et notes: Frédérique VERRIER En 1455, le Vénitien Alvise Ca’ da Mosto s’embarque sur une (...)

Contact : Anne LIMA

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