
Av. Augusto Meyer 163/605
Porto Alegre (RS) - CEP 90550-110
Tél: +55 51 3024-0787

Dublinense is an independent publishing house focused mainly on literary fiction, with the vast majority of its list formed by contemporary fiction, a few very singular contemporary non-fiction narratives and essays and a small collection of psychoanalysis. Our focus is to present the best in contemporary Brazilian literary fiction along with relevant works that can present different cultures and singular approaches and points of view for the Brazilian readership. Our goal is to start conversations on relevant subjects through good literature. During our 12 years, our original titles have received important recognitions such as Prêmio Jabuti, Prêmio Açorianos, Prêmio da Biblioteca Nacional and are constantly shortlisted for other literary awards too. Our international titles were also distinguished with important awards such as Prêmio José Saramago, European Union Prize for Literature, among others.

Books selection


Natália BORGES POLESSO Vencedor do Prêmio Jabuti Vencedor do Prêmio Açorianos Vencedor do Prêmio AGES (Associação Gaúcha de Escritores) Seria pouco (...)

Elas marchavam sob o sol

Cristina JUDAR Ana e Joan. A primeira é diurna e contemporânea, bombardeada pelo consumismo e por pressões estéticas e comportamentais. A segunda é (...)


Henrique SCHNEIDER Vencedor do Prêmio Paraná de Literatura Raul é um bancário dedicado, um cidadão de bem levando uma vida tranquila em junho de (...)

Contact : Gustavo FARAON

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