
1 rue des Foreurs, Treichville, Zone 3
01BP 1984
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225-20) 21 64 65 /(+225-20) 21 25 33 12

Éburnie was created in November 2001 by Marie-Agathe Amoikon-Fauquembergue. The objective of this publishing house is to breathe new life into the image of the publishing world by producing quality works, encouraging the emergence of new authors, and developing new collections. Our activities started in earnest in February 2002. To date, there exists more than 150 titles in the catalogue, 15 of which are textbooks and 15 extracurricular, as well as eight children’s series and two general collections co-published with Ganndal (Guinea), Cérès (Tunisia) and Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin). Distribution is ensured via a network of bookshops in the following countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Guinea, and Burkina-Faso.


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