logoÉditions Gouttes-Lettres

25, Rue Norgues, Christ-Roi
HT 6110 Port-au-Prince
Tél: (+509) 32 84 09 03

The Association Éditions Gouttes-Lettres (ASSEGL) is a generalist publisher founded in 2018 by philosopher and writer (Dom) Pedro Naason Theoney. Its mission is to support and promote authors and to contribute to the growth of the cultural and intellectual arena in Haiti through various literary and artistic initiatives with both local and international reach. It already has a rich catalogue of almost thirty titles. In seven collections (“Poésie 4.5●6 EGL”, “Esprits Philosophiques”, “Études Haïtiennes”, “Fiction EGL”, “Théâtre EGL”, “Matrimoine” and “Jeunesse EGL”) it publishes all types of writing, excluding, of course, racist, hateful or antifeminist works or any other writing in which any human group is misrepresented. From children’s books to more literary novels to more specialised texts (philosophical or scientific), it works with the full range of genres. Provided of course the projects are worth it... It edits and provides services for self-publishing authors as well as publishing its own catalogue of titles.

Books selection

Les disparus du 22 Avril

Emmanuel DERILUS Ce tout premier roman d’Emmanuel Dérilus a paru en novembre 2021, dans la collection « Fiction EGL », aux Éditions Gouttes-Lettres, (...)

Les délices de la chair

Dom Pedro N. THEONEY Ce premier roman de Dom Pedro N. THEONEY est un roman philosophique. Un assez vieux problème, qui est le cœur du cœur de la (...)

Marxisme et Aliénation

Jean-Jacques CADET Cet essai met en relation l’émergence des marxismes non occidentaux et la publication dans les années 1930 d’un ensemble (...)

Contact : Pedro Naason Theoney

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