logoÉditions Papyrus Afrique

BP 19472 Dakar
Tél: (+221) 33 837 38 82

Éditions Papyrus Afrique, founded and directed by Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, is a Francophone publishing house, publishing mainly in African languages. Its mission is the development of modern literature in national languages. Since its creation in 1996, Papyrus has published more than 130 books published in West African languages. Having a large readership in the region and in the European and US diasporas, Éditions Papyrus Afrique also publishes a monthly newsletter in Wolof and Pulaar Lasli/ Njelbean.
Éditions Papyrus Afrique were the recipients of the Alioune Diop Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in 2002. They were also the first to be awarded the National Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in Senegal, in 2005.

Read: “Notre objectif est d’arriver à une coordination entre éditions africaines”, interview with Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, Liberté Algérie, 13 November, 2019

Books selection

A Pind Seenoor

Léopold Sédar SENGHOR ; Wally FAYE (trad.) A Pind Seenoor est une revue explicative et panoramique des poèmes de Senghor, avec en annexe leur (...)

Booy Pullo

Abdullaye JAH Booy Pullo campe la déchéance d’un jeune paysan qui quitte son village pour aller en France. Il passe par Dakar, s’y enlise, se (...)

Sawru Ganndal

Professeur Aboubacry MOUSSA LAM La connaissance est le personnage central de ce roman en pulaar dont la portée équivaut à une œuvre de recherche (...)

Contact : Seydou Nourou NDIAYE

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