logoKu Si Mon Editora

Edifício SITEC - Rua José Carlos Schwarz
C.P. 268
Tél: (+245) 660 5565

Ku Si Mon Editora is a private institution created in Bissau in 1994, following the political liberalization and the beginning of multi-partisanism. Its principal interests are literature (novels, stories, and essays), oral tradition (collections of stories, proverbs, and riddles) and ethno-linguistics (dictionaries). With an artisanal character, it continues thanks to the volunteer work from its members. Overhead costs (facility, electricity, small publishing materials) are also assured by the members, and revenue is used to publish new titles. Sales are limited, taking into account the high rate of illiteracy in Guinea-Bissau, and the publishing house relies on occasional funding to print certain texts.

Read here the interview with Abdulai Sila, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (May 17, 2018).

Books selection

Gasela ku Liopardu – La Gazelle et le Léopard

Recolha e Transcrição: Teresa MONTENEGRO e Carlos DE MORAIS Tradução: Fafali KOUDAWO Ilustrações: Luís LACERDA A Gazela tem uma cabra em idade de (...)

As Orações de Mansata

Abdulai SILA Os usos e abusos do Supremo Chefe Mwanké e dos seus conselheiros para Assuntos de Intriga, Violência e Desordem, numa adaptação (...)

Kriol Ten

Teresa MONTENEGRO O vivo sabor do crioulo guineense falado através de termos, expressões, provérbios, com traduções em português. Fugindo à ordem (...)

Contact : Abdulai SILA

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