logoKX – CRITIQUE AND HUMANISM Publishing House

11, Slaveykov Sq,
Sofia 1000
Tél: +359 898566238

For more than 20 years now, we have been publishing books in the humanities and social sciences, and lately some titles in literature that are connected to the humanities.
We are a small-sized independent publishing company, and our renown is based on the more than 220 titles we have published – some of them exemplary pieces, others among the most provocative titles in the humanities (most of them translations). Our close working relationship with professors from four of the leading Bulgarian universities ensures the high quality of our products.
We have become recognised as a “publisher with a philosophy”. Supporting a pluralist and local cultural ambiance has always been our publishing ideal. We also experiment – via joint projects with other institutions or individuals – on the borders between cultural fields (e.g. publishing and theater, publishing and digital arts).
We are also the initiator and founder of a small organization: Bulgarian Society of Publishers in Humanities (BSPH).

Read here the interview with Antoinette Koleva, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (January 2, 2017).

Books selection

Acceleration. The Change of Time Structures in Modernity

Hartmut ROSA Translation: Svetla MARINOVA Hartmut Rosa (born 1955) is one of the most promising nowadays sociologists and social philosophers, (...)

The Fragmentary Character of Life (Selected Essays)

Georg SIMMEL Translation: Theodora KARAMELSKA Georg Simmel (1858-1918), a notorious German philosopher and sociologist of culture, has (...)

The Walk; Why Robert Walser was and still is so important?

Robert WALSER; Giorgio AGAMBEN Translation: Maria DOBREVSKA This is the chef-d-oeuvre of the prose of Robert Walser (1878-1956) – a very (...)

Contact : Antoinette KOLEVA

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