logoLa Oveja Roja

c/ Amparo 76
28012 Madrid

It was chance combined with great effort that led to the launch of La Oveja Roja. As chance would have it, someone with no plans to work in the publishing industry found themselves in the possession of several previously unpublished books. He founded La Oveja Roja, located, as its name [the red sheep] might suggest, deep in the countryside, in a meadow at the foot of the Pyrenees. The founder was adamant about ensuring that culture was accessible to all children and not only to the upper classes. This sheep insisted on talking about politics and society even though no one had invited him to the table. Notable figures, of course, did not listen. But he continued anyway. From the Pyrenees he went to Madrid, where he found himself becoming a carpenter in order to open a bookshop. From that moment on, he has lived only for his obsessions, which now include storytelling, poetry, graphic novels, essays and even children’s books. His catalogue contains works of a variety of tones. Éric Hazan, Nathalie Quintane, Vincianne Despret, Brigitte Vasallo, Enrique Falcón and Antonio Orihuela are just some of the names who have become friends along the way. And the sheep, with his books, now finds himself surrounded by wooden bookshelves in a bookshop, and continues to think and dream about meadows and about books.

Contact : Alfonso SERRANO

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