logoLom Ediciones

Concha y Toro 23
Tél: (+56) 2 688 52 73

Lom Ediciones, a publishing house founded in 1990, started out by working to preserve the social, political, literary and cultural heritage of Chile in the last decades of the 20th century; Lom aims to foster creativity, thinking and criticism. Lom publishes poetry, accounts, theatre, works on human sciences, education and photography, by well-known authors as well as new ones. Lom has an up-to-date catalogue of 850 works, and every year publishes 80 new works by Chilean, Latin American and other authors. Lom is a member of the network of independent publishers, with Era, Trilce and Txalaparta, and of the Chile Publishers Association.

LOM significa sol en la lengua de los Yamanas o Yaganes, pueblo nómade del extremo sur de América. Con el gesto de recuperar su voz, el rostro de una de ellos en el logo de la editorial, buscamos mantener en la memoria sus miradas; fortalecer la creación, la reflexión, y el pensamiento crítico a través de la palabra escrita, desde el sur.

To listen: an interview of Paulo Slachevsky, during the Forum of Scientific Publishers of Chile, in 2017 and here an interview on the theme of “Diversity” (Ivoox, August 26, 2020).

Contact : Paulo SLACHEVSKY

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Responsable : Silvia AGUILERA

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