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For 30 years, André Schiffrin headed one of the most prestigious US publishing houses, Pantheon Books, publishing works by Foucault, Sartre, Chomsky, Medvedev etc. Since 1991, he managed The New Press, an independent publishing house. Founded in 1990 as a major alternative to the large, commercial publishers, The New Press is a not-for-profit publishing house operated editorially in the public interest. It is committed to publishing in innovative ways works of educational, cultural, and community value that, despite their intellectual merits, may be deemed insufficiently profitable by commercial publishers. Like the Public Broadcasting System and National Public Radio as they were originally conceived, The New Press aims to provide ideas and viewpoints under-represented in the mass media. As an author of international renown, André Schiffrin (1935-2013) analyses the threats to the world of publishing and uses his works to protest against the globalisation phenomenon as it impacts the world of publishing and media. He has published among other works L’édition sans éditeurs (Publishing without Publishers) and Le contrôle de la parole (Controlling speech) published by La Fabrique in France.

Books selection

Secret Identities

The Asian American Superhero Antholog - Edited by Jeff Yang, Parry Shen, Keith Chow, and Jerry Ma Appealing to both comics fans and Asian (...)

The Empire Strikes Out

Baseball and the Rise (and Fall) of the American Way Abroad - by Robert Elias Is the face of American baseball throughout the world that of (...)

Blood and Faith

The Purging of Muslim Spain - by Matthew Carr In April 1609, King Philip III of Spain signed an edict denouncing the Muslim inhabitants of Spain (...)

Contact : Jay GUPTA

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