Women in African Publishing & the Book Trade: A Series of Profiles, Series II, by Hans M. Zell, April 2022

Read the content here:

  • Introduction
  • Kenya: Muthoni Garland; †Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye; Ruth Makotsi
  • Liberia: Elma Shaw
  • Mozambique: Sandra Tamele
  • Nigeria: Enajite Efemuaye; †Irene Fatayi-Williams; Azafi Omolabi-Ogosi; Mabel Segun
  • South Africa: Michele Betty; Henrietta Dax; Dorothy Dyer; Vangile Gantsho; Eve Gray; Veronica Klipp; Elizabeth le Roux; Alison Lowry; Gill Moodie; Alice Wairimū Nderitū; Lorato Trok; Elitha van der Sandt
  • Uganda: Nyana Kakoma; Crystal Rutangye; Hilda Twongyeirwe
  • Zambia: Fay Gadsden
  • Zimbabwe: Kathy Bond-Stewart; Trish Mbanga; Emma O’Beirne

Available in a pre-print version at: https://www.academia.edu/76616001/Women_in_African_Publishing_and_the_Book_Trade_A_Series_of_Profiles_Series_II

Pre-print version uploaded on Academia.edu April 2022
Final print/online version to appear in The African Book Publishing Record,
Volume 48, Issue 2, (June 2022) https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/abpr

Copyright © Hans Zell Publishing Consultants 2022

Read here the Serie I: Women in African Publishing and the Book Trade: A Series of Profiles, by Hans M. Zell, October 2020

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