Books donation : rethinking the system

A book donation operation in Ivory Coast : what impacts for bibliodiversity ?, June, 2017

In a joint statement published on 15 June 2017, the Association internationale des libraires francophones (AILF) and the Alliance shared their concerns and highlighted the impacts of book donations on a country’s book chain.

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Book donation programmes for Africa : Time for a Reappraisal ? Two Perspectives, Raphaël Thierry / part 2, 2015

Part 2 : Raphaël Thierry : “Book donations, but at what price, and in exchange for what ? An overview on book donation practice in francophone Africa (in French)”

Pre-print version to appear in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no.127 (2015) [Release 2017]

Read the article on EditAfrica website !

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Book donation programmes for Africa : Time for a Reappraisal ? Two Perspectives, Hans Zell / part 1, 2015

Part 1 : Hans M. Zell : “Book Donation Programmes in English-speaking Africa”

Pre-print version to appear in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no.127 (2015) [Release 2017]

Extract from the editorial note of the print issue :
« Welcome to this bumper issue of ARD. Scolma is grateful to Hans Zell and Raphaël Thierry for choosing to publish their full length study of Book Donation Programmes in Africa in our pages.
It is as they say “time for a reappraisal” and it is our hope that the ensuing debate will take place in the pages of ARD as well as online. I would therefore invite responses and feedback to this important and provocative study. Feedback from receiving libraries in Africa is particularly welcome. »
Terry Barringer, Editor, African Research & Documentation

Read the article on EditAfrica website !

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The Book donations issue discussed on RFI !, 2013

Follow this link to listen to the “Danse des mots” programme of April 18 2013, focusing on book donations. Yvan AMAR interviews Raphaël THIERRY, following the publication of the article in Africultures, April 8 2013 “Giving is not receiving. Thoughts on book donations in Africa”.

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Books donation : rethinking the system, a workshop held in 2013, in Paris (France)

Although several debates and discussions on book donations were held, very few considered, complementary to the essential point of view of librarians’ professional collectives, the point of view of publishers and booksellers.

This workshop, facilitated in the context of the International Assembly of Independent Publishers, therefore has 3 main objectives :
To question existing practices and the impact of the “donation chain” on the “book chain”, from the perspective of local librarians, publishers and booksellers ;
To question, promote and “complete”, if applicable, existing benchmark tools (amongst others, the Book Donation Charter developed by the Culture and Development Association, in partnership with several structures and institutions) ;
To propose realistic and sustainable alternatives to “classic” book donations, enabling us, hopefully, to enrich and built on current practices, through the input of local professionals.

The Alliance wishes to express its gratitude to the Ile-de-France Region for its support and trust and BULAC (Languages and civilisation University Library) for hosting us.

The primary outcomes of this workshop are detailed below.

Also read about the workshop’s indirect impacts on book donations : An article on Africultures, a programme on RFI...

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