Alliance’s programme for 2023

Among the Alliance’s flagship projects in 2023 :

Bibliodiversity Observatory
• Bibliodiversity Observatory thematic working groups (book ecology, digital, freedom to publish and public book policies)
• Adding content to and updating the Guide to Good Practice
• Developing a logo/label illustrating the principles of the Guide to Good Practice
• Publishing the next issue of the Bibliodiversité review “Transmission and renewal. How to secure the future of companies in the book world ?” (March 2023)

Workshops and meetings
• Workshops (virtual format) held by the Observatory’s thematic groups (throughout the year)
• Training in situ at the International Book Fair in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (May 2023)

Visibility and promotion of independent publishing
• Babelica, second edition : international independent publishing fair online, meetings and debates, webinars (September 2023)
Tehran Book Fair, Uncensored (date TBC)

Editorial partnerships
• Project fairs for literature, humanities and social sciences, and children’s books within groups with complementary catalogues (throughout the year)
• Pan-African co-publication of the 16th and 17th titles in the “Terres solidaires” collection : Bel abîme by Yamen Manai (published by Éditions Elyzad in Tunisia) and Vautours enchantés by Yamba Elie Ouédraogo (published by Sankofa & Gurli in Burkina Faso)
• Co-publication of the illustrated book of calligraphy by the Syrian artist Mouneer Alshaarani by the Alliance’s Arabic-language network
Terra Viva. My life in a Biodiversity of Movements by Vandana Shiva (co-published by Women Unlimited in India with Spinifex Press in Australia) : works translated and co-published in different languages through the Alliance’s networks

See the full 2023 action plan here :

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