Digital publishing in emerging countries

In the last 15 years, the digital revolution has modified the way cultural goods are produced and distributed. Music has probably been the first industry concerned, but the impact has now reached other areas, in particular the book sector. Indeed, ebooks, audiobooks, print on demand, online stores and the expansion of mobile phones have deeply transformed the traditional publishing landscape.

Nevertheless, given the serious infrastructure limitations existing in the developing countries, it becomes crucial to assess the impact that technology is having on the publishing industry in those regions. Which e-publishing companies are flourishing today in the Southern countries? Which policies could be implemented so as to foster this new industry as well as to help the traditional actors to adapt to the changes that are currently taking place?

In order to explore these topics, the International Alliance of independent Publishers in partnership with the Prince Claus Fund, has launched an in-depth study, co-ordinated by Octavio Kulesz, director of Teseo and member of Digital minds Network. The first stage of the research consists of a number of interviews with different actors from the book sector, so as to understand the current situation as well as to propose global initiatives. Every actor from the publishing sector (especially publishers and booksellers) are invited to share their views and experiences through this brief questionnaire - click here!


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