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Language network coordinators

To facilitate communication between the Alliance’s language networks, set up as “one of the Alliance’s working practices” pursuant to a decision adopted in Dakar, each language network has a coordinator (elected by its particular members). The role of these coordinators is : to check that their network members and the Paris team members receive all relevant information ; to liaise with the Paris team ; to monitor the progress of projects that the network wants to carry out (co-publishing, sharing of expertise) ; to examine and give an opinion on applications to join their network and to liaise with the Paris team to organise network meetings. The language network coordinators have been members of the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP) since March 2011.

Presentation of the Alliance’s language network coordinators and vice-coordinators :

* Nouri Abid, Tunisia (Med Ali), coordinator of Arabic-language network ;

* Araken Gomes Ribeiro, Brazil (Contra Capa), coordinator of Portuguese-language network ;

* Mariana Warth, Brazil (Pallas Editora), vice-coordinator of Portuguese-language network ;

* Susan Hawthorne, Australia (Spinifex Press), coordinator of English-language network ;

* Müge Sokmen Gursoy, Turkey (Metis Publishers), vice-coordinator of English-language network ;

* Guido Indij, Argentina (la marca editora), coordinator of Spanish-language network ;

* Serge D. Kouam, Cameroon (Presses universitaires d’Afrique), coordinator of French-language network ;

* Isabelle Pivert, France (éditions du Sextant), vice-coordinator of French-language network ;

* Hamid Mehdipour, Germany/Iran (Forough Publications), coordinator of the Persian-language network.

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Communiqué to all members, March 2011 : Announcement of the setup of the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP)

In line with decisions taken at the 2007 International Assembly on Independent Publishers in Paris, the language network Coordinators and the Board of the Alliance have been meeting on an annual basis since 2009 (please see our November 2009 Communiqué).

On 11 October 2010, the Coordinators and the Board of the Alliance met in Paris and decided jointly to create “The International Committee of Independent Publishers” (ICIP) [...].

Because the publisher members – Allies – are the primary players in the Alliance, the members of the ICIP and the Board of the Alliance are submitting the creation of the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP) to your approval.

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Communiqué to all members, November 2009

On Monday, 12 October 2009, the Alliance met with its 5 linguistic networks coordinators and 6 committee members. This meeting, organised by the permanent task team, provided the opportunity to tackle various topics of vital importance to our initiative. The full report – including the minutes of this long and exciting day of work– was sent in French to participants. The latter nevertheless requested that a communiqué detailing the main issues discussed and decisions taken collectively be compiled in the three working languages, for distribution to all members of the Alliance.

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Press review

Montreuil 2014 : A Children book fair open on Africa

An article published on December 8, 2014 in “Le Populaire”, a weekly news published in Guinea Conakry, in the monthly column of Marie Paule Huet, literary director of the éditions Ganndal.

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Professional collectives committed to work together, Le Soleil, Senegal

Pays de parution : Sénégal

In the November 29th-30th issue, Le Soleil, Senegalese daily newspaper, share the press release that have been collectively signed in Dakar on November 25th, by the International Association of French-speaking Booksellers (Association internationale des libraires francophones) ; Afrilivres (Association of African French-speaking publishers), and the International Alliance of independent publishers. In this release, the professional collectives state “their solid will to work together to promote books, reading, and access to the book”.

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The Cape Town meeting (International Assembly of Independent publishers 2014) on the Tunisian cultural radio !

Listen to the interview of Nouri ABID (Med Ali in Tunisia and coordinator of the Arabic-speaking network of the Alliance) on the Tunisian cultural radio, on September 3, 2014.

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The 7th workshop of the Assembly in Abu Dhabi

Pays de parution : Émirats arabes unis

Livres Hebdo, April 25, 2014 relays workshop on digital publishing in the Arab-speaking world (April 30-May 3, 2014), organized in partnership with the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. More information about the workshop here.

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Resource Center

80 recommendations & tools in support of bibliodiversity

These 80 recommendations are build on the principles upheld in the 2014 International Declaration of independent publishers, an important document promoting bibliodiversity, signed on September 20th, 2014 by more than 400 independent publishers from 45 countries (International Assembly of independent publishers, under the patronage of UNESCO).

These recommendations aimed at public authorities, international organisations, and book professionals, for the development, maintenance and strengthening of bibliodiversity in concerned countries.

Contents of the 80 recommendations & tools in support of bibliodiversity :

* Public policies safeguarding bibliodiversity
* Proposals and activities supporting digital bibliodiversity
* The Amazon system, a threat to bibliodiversity ?
* Essential measures for publishing in local and national languages
* Rethinking book donations
* Proposals and activities to develop solidarity publishing partnerships
* Activities to strengthen a plural youth publishing

For all book actors to take ownership of these recommendations and tools, we invite you to contact us with your comments, suggestions, ideas and proposals that could enhance and strengthen this document.

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Selling and buying rights as an independent publisher on the world market

Book fairs, sales and purchases of rights, a toolbox to be present on the international market. This toolbox is aimed at youth publishers seeking to develop and/or strengthen their presence internationally. It includes themactic cards and “ready-to-use” cards (documents and supports).

Access to the toolbox here !

This toolbox was developed by Céline ANFOSSI, through the support of the Centre national du livre and the Fondation de France.

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Publishing in Persian language, a ground breaking study on publishing in Persian language

Pays de parution : Afghanistan, Iran, Ouzbékistan, Tadjikistan

Publishing in Persian language presents a comprehensive and current overview of publishing in Persian language, in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, but also in the diaspora in Europe and the United States.
Articles, penned by Ali Amiri, Beytolah Biniaz, Masoud Hosseinipour, Farid Moradi, Laetitia Nanquette and Dilshad Rakhimov, enable an understanding of editorial markets through historical, economic, political and cultural perspectives.
This study sheds light on the work and publishing list of several independent publishers in Persian language, and thus enabling professional and intercultural exchanges.
Publishing in Persian language is available in Persian and English, and openly accessible on the Website of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, in PDF, ePub and MOBI formats.

Publishing in Persian language, “État des lieux de l’édition” collection (Reports on the publishing world), International Alliance of independent publishers, 2015.
ISBN : 978-2-9519747-7-7 (Persian version)
ISBN : 978-2-9519747-8-4 (English version)

Publishing in Persian language was made possible through the support of the Prince Claus Fund. We thank all contributors, publishers, and professionals who participated to this collective endeavour –and particularly Sonbol Bahmanyar for the coordination of the study.

Collection État des lieux de l’édition

Read the study in MOBI format_in Persian

Read the study in MOBI format_in English

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“Translation and Globalization”, the new issue of Bibliodiversity !

Edited by Gisèle Sapiro, the number 3 (February 2014) of the journal Bibliodiversity is available !

“At the intersection of the history and sociology of publishing, of the study of cultural transfers and of translation studies, the sociology and history of translation therefore open up vast new fields of research on issues of contemporary concern such as the question of cultural diversity in the era of globalisation (addressed in my article), relations between the global North and South (discussed in the two other articles and mentioned in two personal testimonies), competition between nations for cultural hegemony and the social conditions for the circulation of cultural goods at a time when the creative industries are undergoing concentration and rationalisation”.
Extract from the introduction, by Gisèle Sapiro.

This issue is dedicated to Andre Schiffrin, member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Bibliodiversity.

Read other issues of Bibliodiversity here.

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Publishing in India

Pays de parution : Inde

The “Young Talents” collection, dedicated to the best Masters dissertations in the « Book Trade » adds another title to its list !

Mariette ROBBES, who conducted some field work for her research, offers a fascinating analysis of youth Indian publishing.

On the contrary of other Asian publishing market, like Korea or Japan, the Indian book market is nearly unknown by French children’s book publishers, thought this industry is actually blooming. The Indian book market is a very specific one : the country’s size makes book distribution difficult, many languages are spoken and written, and there is a wide gap between urban reading habits and rural ones. Independent publishers in this country adapt business strategies to these difficulties and the solution they find are really original. As the lack of studies and data about Indian publishing is quite strong, this study is based on a certain number of interviews with booksellers, book fair directors, market specialist, illustrators, distributors and publishers.

An exciting memory on a subject unexplored... to read now !

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« The digital South », the newly-released issue of Bibliodiversity !

With digital publishing under close scrutiny, Bibliodiversity naturally felt it was important to offer a different angle on the subject, highlighting a less familiar aspect of the current situation. In accordance with our editorial line, and in keeping with the research undertaken by the journal’s partners, it seemed vital to give a platform to voices that are seldom heard and rarely listened to.

This issue, which focuses on e-publishing in developing countries, is supported by the Prince Claus Fund.

Click here to read other issues of the review.

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Books about books (BAB), a resource center specialized in « Books & Publishing » opened to the students and to the professionals in the middle of Paris

More than 180 documents in French, Spanish, English to consult and to borrow : subscriptions to specialist magazines, history of the book, emergent publishing, international publishing, analyses and proposals, economy of the book and marketing, digital technology and Internet, authors and creation, translation...

The team of the Alliance welcomes you to 38, rue Saint-Sabin (11e), from Monday to Friday, from 10 am till 6:30 pm.

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The first ever study on digital publishing in developing countries

Langue(s) : anglais , espagnol , français

In partnership with the Prince Claus Foundation, the Alliance commissioned Octavio Kulesz, a digital publisher in Argentina, to carry out a study on digital publishing in developing countries. This first-ever study, the result of 8 months’ research, is now available in French, English and Spanish on the website : http://alliance-lab.org/etude/?lang=en

Who are the new digital players in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab world and in Russia, China and India ? Can digital publishing develop autonomously in the emerging economies, independently from the rich countries ? What support policies are required to stimulate the growth of this new industry and help the traditional publishing sector adapt to the changes ? Based on interviews, questionnaires and meetings, Octavio Kulesz provides an overview of digital publishing in these 6 regions and puts forward concrete proposals aimed at independent publishers. Digital publishing experience in the South offers an insight into the major opportunity the new technologies represent for developing countries — especially when it comes to distribution — as long as local entrepreneurs seek innovative models suited to the concrete needs of their communities.

This online study is ongoing and interactive. We invite your contributions and feedback.

The study is also available in PDF, EPUB and MOBI.

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Launch of « Bibliodiversity - Publishing and Globalisation »

The creation of « Bibliodiversity – Publishing and Globalisation » rests on three preliminary acknowledgments. The notion of bibliodiversity, despite its rapid spread and significant potential, remains scantly explored, insufficiently discussed, poorly grasped, and even misused – reduced at times to a simple slogan. It was important to save the notion from becoming even more depleted. Furthermore, the two co-publishers – the International Alliance of Independent Publishers along with Double Ponctuation – wish to contribute to original research, the development of intellectual and functional tools, and the collection of testimony that could help us understand the changes occurring in the world of books and publishing. Finally, there is not yet much space available in which to study these changing phenomena with a perspective that is simultaneously international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary.

> See all the additional texts on www.bibliodiversity.org

Nota bene : Bibliodiversity is not an Internet site ; it remains first and foremost a linear publication and is organized, dated, and signed. As a service to the journal, the site will maintain its minimalist approach ; there are no plans to use the site to replace the journal.

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Digital publishing in emerging countries

In the last 15 years, the digital revolution has modified the way cultural goods are produced and distributed. Music has probably been the first industry concerned, but the impact has now reached other areas, in particular the book sector. Indeed, ebooks, audiobooks, print on demand, online stores and the expansion of mobile phones have deeply transformed the traditional publishing landscape.

Nevertheless, given the serious infrastructure limitations existing in the developing countries, it becomes crucial to assess the impact that technology is having on the publishing industry in those regions. Which e-publishing companies are flourishing today in the Southern countries ? Which policies could be implemented so as to foster this new industry as well as to help the traditional actors to adapt to the changes that are currently taking place ?

In order to explore these topics, the International Alliance of independent Publishers in partnership with the Prince Claus Fund, has launched an in-depth study, co-ordinated by Octavio Kulesz, director of Teseo and member of Digital minds Network. The first stage of the research consists of a number of interviews with different actors from the book sector, so as to understand the current situation as well as to propose global initiatives. Every actor from the publishing sector (especially publishers and booksellers) are invited to share their views and experiences through this brief questionnaire - click here !

Contact : ok@editorialteseo.com

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