logoÉditions Tombouctou

BP E 5229
Tél: +223 76 71 57 13 / 76 46 21 14

Éditions Tombouctou was co-founded in 2007 by the Malian writers Ibrahima Aya and Aida Mady Diallo. From the name of the famous city of knowledge and writing, it gives to authors and other writers the means to express their word towards the African continent and the whole world. It aims to produce and disseminate quality writing at affordable prices for the local market in particular, thus contributing to the fact that Mali and Africa are telling themselves and the world.

Éditions Tombouctou is the initiative of the “Rentrée littéraire du Mali”, the reference literary event in Mali, created in 2008, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in February 2018 and which hosts for some years between 40 and 50 foreign writers by edition.

Furthermore, since the break-up in 2012 of the security, institutional and identity crisis in Mali, Éditions Tombouctou has initiated several collective reflections that have resulted in the publication of reference books on this crisis and Mali: High voices for Timbuktu, Mali between doubts and hopes, Africa of secularisms, Contemporary Mali, Regionalization in Mali, Challenges of the reconstruction in Mali...

Books selection

Couleurs et douleurs du silence

Albakaye Ousmane KOUNTA Talfi, originaire de Tombouctou, rêve de sillonner le Sahara et de devenir un caravanier renommé et fortuné. Mais son père (...)

Les fils Kabendy

Paul-Marie TRAORE S’amouracher de sa sœur au point de lui faire un enfant relève plutôt du grand scandale. Un jeune fonctionnaire talentueux, (...)

Drame pour un fauteuil

Kabiné Bemba DIAKITE Lobèle et Bata, employées d’une entreprise, se vouent une haine inaltérable pour un poste de secrétaire. Elles placent au centre (...)

Contact : Ibrahima AYA

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