logoNew Internationalist

Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road
Oxford, OX4 1JE
Tél: +44 (0)1865 403156 / +44 (0)1865 403345

Coopérative indépendante et à but non lucratif, New Internationalist est une voix qui responsabilise. Nous racontons les histoires que les médias traditionnels évitent et offrons une plateforme pour porter la voix des personnes qui vivent ces histoires. Notre magazine primé, nos livres et notre site Web définissent notre vision d’un avenir radicalement plus juste, promeuvent la justice sociale et font campagne pour les populations défavorisées du monde entier.
Les livres de New Internationalist couvrent l’activisme, l’actualité, la fiction pour enfants et adultes, l’éducation, la vie éthique, la photographie et la cuisine du monde.

We used to be called the Internationalist. We became the New Internationalist in 1973 ! New perspectives on what it means to be a global citizen are needed now as much as ever. Internationalism guides everything we do as we believe in the interdependency of all people and all things. Now with our recent merger with Myriad our mission is to explore new ways of seeing.

Sélection du catalogue

Juliana’s Bananas

Ruth WALTON An educational resource to help children explore the issue of fair trade by allowing them to see through the eyes of the children of (...)

SOS Alternatives to Capitalism

Richard SWIFT An investigation of the alternatives to capitalism, including socialism, anarchism and deep ecology. Financial collapse and (...)

Under an African sky

Peter HUDSON The author has been visiting the same village in Mauritania on the remote edge of the Sahara for over twenty years. This is the (...)

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