The International Alliance of independent publishers calls for the release of Anges Félix N’Dakpri, president of the Association of publishers of Côte d’Ivoire (Assedi), November 9, 2020

The International Alliance of independent publishers – representing 750 publishers in 55 countries around the world – calls for the release of Anges Félix N’Dakpri, president of the Association of publishers of Côte d’Ivoire (Assedi)

President of the Association of publishers of Côte d’Ivoire (Assedi) and General commissioner of the Abidjan International Book Fair (SILA), Anges Félix N’Dakpri was kidnapped on October 25 in Abidjan (see press release from several professional associations issued on October 27, 2020).

For some weeks, Côte d’Ivoire has been prey to strong political tensions in the context of the presidential elections.
Several local sources and international medias report arrests and pressure on opposition figures as well as journalists covering the events.

The kidnapping of Anges Félix N’Dakpri by armed men from his home in Abidjan on Sunday, October 25 occurs against a backdrop of violence, threats and restrictions on freedom of expression. According to his relatives, he would be now held at the MACA (Abidjan House of Arrest and Correction).

The International Alliance of independent publishers calls for an end to the arbitrary detention of Anges Félix N’Dakpri and invites professionals from the book industry, medias and human rights associations to relay this call.


Members of the International Commitee of Independent Publishers

  • Élisabeth DALDOUL, elyzad, Tunisia, coordinator of the French-speaking network
  • ASSEM Mawuto Paulin, AGO Média, Togo, vice-coordinator of the French-speaking network
  • Jean-Claude NABA, Sankofa & Gurli, Burkina Faso, vice-coordinator of the French-speaking network
  • Samar HADDAD, Atlas for Publishing & Distribution, Syria, coordinator of the Arabic-speaking network
  • Colleen HIGGS, Modjaji Books, South Africa, coordinator of the English-speaking network
  • Ronny AGUSTINUS, Marjin Kiri Publisher, Indonesia, vice-coordinator of the English-speaking network
  • Paulo SLACHEVSKY, Lom Ediciones, Chile, coordinator of the Spanish-speaking network
  • Carla OLIVEIRA, Orfeu Negro, Portugal, coordinator of the Portuguese-speaking network
  • Mariana WARTH, Pallas Editora, Brazil, coordinator of the Portuguese-speaking network

Publishers members of the French-speaking network of the Alliance

  • Sulaiman ADEBOWALE, Amalion, Senegal
  • Marie-Agathe AMOIKON FAUQUEMBERGUE, Éburnie, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Ibrahima AYA, éditions Tombouctou, Mali
  • Dominique BAZIN, éditions Dodo vole, Madagascar
  • Bichr BENNANI, Tarik éditions, Morocco
  • Karim BEN SMAIL, Fédération tunisienne des éditeurs, Tunisia
  • Pierre BERTRAND, Couleur Livres, Belgium
  • Nadine BESNARD, Cauris Livres, Mali
  • Layla CHAOUNI, éditions Le Fennec, Morocco
  • Karim CHIKH, éditions Apic, Algeria
  • Gilles COLLEU, Vents d’ailleurs, France
  • Élodie COMTOIS, Écosociété, Québec, Canada
  • Camille DELTOMBE, Les éditions de l’Atelier, France
  • Serge D. KOUAM, Presses universitaires d’Afrique, Cameroon
  • Mical DREHI LOROUGNON, Édilis, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Aline DURIEZ-JABLONKA, éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, France
  • Tchotcho Christiane ÉKUÉ, Graines de Pensées, Togo
  • Nadia ESSALMI, Yomad, Morocco
  • Corinne FLEURY, L’Atelier des Nomades, Mauritius et France
  • Sékou FOFANA, éditions Donniya, Mali
  • Charlotte GOURE, Les éditions de l’Atelier, France
  • Sofiane HADJADJ, barzakh éditions, Algeria
  • Selma HELLAL, barzakh éditions, Algeria
  • Jutta HEPKE, Vents d’ailleurs, France
  • Marie Paule HUET, éditions Ganndal, Guinea
  • Yasmîn ISSAKA-COUBAGEAT, Graines de Pensées, Togo
  • Karine JOSEPH, Éditions du Sirocco, Morocco
  • Hamidou KONATÉ, Éditions Jamana, Mali
  • Thérèse KOUDOU, Édilis, Côte d’Ivoire
  • Julien LUCCHINI, Les éditions de l’Atelier, France
  • Seydou Nourou NDIAYE, éditions Papyrus Afrique, Senegal
  • François NKEME, Éditions Proximité, Cameroon
  • Sylvie NTSAME, éditions Ntsame, Gabon
  • Safaa OUALI, éditions Le Fennec, Morocco
  • Dieulermesson PETIT-FRÈRE, LEGS éditions, Haiti
  • Mirline PIERRE, LEGS éditions, Haiti
  • Isabelle PIVERT, éditions du Sextant, France
  • Marie Michèle RAZAFINTSALAMA, Jeunes Malgaches, Madagascar
  • Jean RICHARD, éditions d’en bas, Switzerland
  • Rodney SAINT-ÉLOI, Mémoire d’encrier, Quebec, Canada
  • Kenza SEFRIOUI, En toutes lettres, Morocco
  • Aliou SOW, éditions Ganndal, Guinea
  • Roger TAVERNIER, éditions Zellige, France
  • Samia ZENNADI, éditions Apic, Algeria

Representatives of the Board and the permanent team of the International Alliance of independent publishers

  • Laura AUFRÈRE
  • Camille CLOAREC
  • David ELOY
  • Laurence HUGUES
  • Georges LORY
  • Mariam PELLICER
  • Luc PINHAS
  • Thierry QUINQUETON
  • Mariette ROBBES

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