Launch of « Bibliodiversity - Publishing and Globalisation »

The creation of « Bibliodiversity – Publishing and Globalisation » rests on three preliminary acknowledgments. The notion of bibliodiversity, despite its rapid spread and significant potential, remains scantly explored, insufficiently discussed, poorly grasped, and even misused – reduced at times to a simple slogan. It was important to save the notion from becoming even more depleted. Furthermore, the two co-publishers – the International Alliance of Independent Publishers along with Double Ponctuation – wish to contribute to original research, the development of intellectual and functional tools, and the collection of testimony that could help us understand the changes occurring in the world of books and publishing. Finally, there is not yet much space available in which to study these changing phenomena with a perspective that is simultaneously international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary.

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Nota bene : Bibliodiversity is not an Internet site ; it remains first and foremost a linear publication and is organized, dated, and signed. As a service to the journal, the site will maintain its minimalist approach ; there are no plans to use the site to replace the journal.

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