The first ever study on digital publishing in developing countries

Langue(s) : anglais , espagnol , français

In partnership with the Prince Claus Foundation, the Alliance commissioned Octavio Kulesz, a digital publisher in Argentina, to carry out a study on digital publishing in developing countries. This first-ever study, the result of 8 months’ research, is now available in French, English and Spanish on the website :

Who are the new digital players in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab world and in Russia, China and India ? Can digital publishing develop autonomously in the emerging economies, independently from the rich countries ? What support policies are required to stimulate the growth of this new industry and help the traditional publishing sector adapt to the changes ? Based on interviews, questionnaires and meetings, Octavio Kulesz provides an overview of digital publishing in these 6 regions and puts forward concrete proposals aimed at independent publishers. Digital publishing experience in the South offers an insight into the major opportunity the new technologies represent for developing countries — especially when it comes to distribution — as long as local entrepreneurs seek innovative models suited to the concrete needs of their communities.

This online study is ongoing and interactive. We invite your contributions and feedback.

The study is also available in PDF, EPUB and MOBI.

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