“Translation and Globalization”, the new issue of Bibliodiversity !

Edited by Gisèle Sapiro, the number 3 (February 2014) of the journal Bibliodiversity is available !

“At the intersection of the history and sociology of publishing, of the study of cultural transfers and of translation studies, the sociology and history of translation therefore open up vast new fields of research on issues of contemporary concern such as the question of cultural diversity in the era of globalisation (addressed in my article), relations between the global North and South (discussed in the two other articles and mentioned in two personal testimonies), competition between nations for cultural hegemony and the social conditions for the circulation of cultural goods at a time when the creative industries are undergoing concentration and rationalisation”.
Extract from the introduction, by Gisèle Sapiro.

This issue is dedicated to Andre Schiffrin, member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Bibliodiversity.

Read other issues of Bibliodiversity here.

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